Dustin Pickering: “Η ποίηση δεν γνωρίζει σύνορα”

Ανακαλύψτε την ποίηση του Dustin Pickering από την Αμερική 

Γράφει η Eva Petropoulou Lianou 

Dustin Pickering is founder of Transcendent Zero Press and founding editor of Harbinger Asylum. He has contributed writing to Huffington PostCafé Dissensus EverydayThe Statesman (India), Colorado ReviewWorld Literature Today and several other publications. He is author of the recent poetry collections The Stone and the Square and Only and Again. He lives in Houston, Texas, USA.

The Greedy Somnambulists

Her toes touch the ceiling, golden and arching

over the back of the god and demon.

She wants the imagist’s secrets and metaphysical’s torch.

His mind carries the silence of bent agonies

over the backs of cold nights.

He drinks from the waters of Lethe in darknesses

we never know as mortals.

Their eyes are semicircles, radiant as fish scales

and musical as dissonance.

Together they meet the blankets of ash covering pyres

with careful pleasures of the genitals.

He only wanted her soft eyes to open

in the constancy of flowers.

Neither of them woke to the artifice of emptiness, not entirely.

Communism of the heart

string me, o solitude

in this branch like a night

without shining moon.

i am a blackened stupidness

hanging on the threshold

of one mercy or another,

paradoxically inclined to the violence

of the heart

where revolutions mean more than dismal days.


The grapes hang over the cave.

Dissipation, dissipation of the field…

I hang in the shadows where my candle alights.

Ego phantom of the cares I once adorned.

Her eyes are broken to the naught—

transmitting the silence of solitude.

Ideas feign to present the Often,

a time blasted to thin air.

Rocks hang in her hair like slender threads.

Her mentation directs the poles apropos of time.

I am wounded to the flowers who wait.

Your waste is waiting kindly, o reprobate. 

Editor-in-Chief of Harbinger Asylum and founder of Transcendent Zero Press, www.transcendentzeropress.org