Dr. Molly Joseph’s New Book of Poems “Of Being and Beyond”

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Review by Viktor Radun Teon, PhD, university Professor, Poet and Essayist, Novi Sad, Serbia

“Of Being and Beyond” the poetry collection of the well recognized Indian poet Dr Molly Joseph celebrates the human experience of life, glorifies the human soul and tells us repeatedly through its moving verses about the victory of the divine principle in people, which is confirmed and renewed through human action. In an innovative way of her lyrical philosophy and poetic story-telling, using condensed verse form, like powerful mandalas or Zen koans, Dr Joseph testifies about the unwavering perseverance and renewability of human endurance, which is being strengthened through alternating suffering and regeneration.

Joseph’s poems are constantly in a kind of creative tension, rushing like waves of a perpetual river towards the rocks on the shore, refusing to acknowledge the finiteness of existence. Molly is a tireless searcher for new, unknown shades of value. She searches for the echoes of the eternal and the imperishable among the fragments of the transitory and the earthly.

Sincere activism emerges from her verses, a cry for the salvation of human, and a cry for awakening. Yes – that’s what Molly’s lyrics truly offer – the awakening of a human. In that way, her songs are hymns to joy and the game of life. Molly’s poetry is engaged, in the philosophical and sociological way, and she deals with the key issues facing today’s man, choked with overinforming and helplessly immersed in digital worlds, crying out for freedom and fearing the threatening storm of dystopian technological transhumanist propaganda, which offers us an imminent technological transformation into trans-human and post-human.

Exploring the mysteries of human passion and suffering, she points the way to light and reunion with the divine, unearthing heavenly virtues where we least expect them. Molly’s poetry should be read aloud, and its vibratory dynamics should be carefully listened to, which in some unusual, unexpected magical way touches us and clings to our senses, our skin, and sinks to the very being. Her powerful words resonate with our feelings, purifying and exalting them. The poet collects the nectar of exhilaration and ecstasy from life experiences and brings it to us. The transforming power of her poetry is healing because she, even in the tragedy of today’s human technological disorientation, over-stressed times, does not recognize the end and resists the imminence of evil. Over and over, Molly Joseph’s magical poetic rivers assure us that poetry can and should touch us and bring our soul to supreme exaltation.

Profile of Dr. Molly Joseph

Dr. Molly Joseph is a Professor, Poet (Bilingual), Reviewer and  Translator from Kerala who writes Travelogues, Short stories and Story books for children. She has published Twenty two  books -18 Books of Poems, two Novels (translations) two Story books for Children and has edited ‘A Chap Book on Contemporary Ethics.’   At present she serves as the Chief Co Ordinator , International Academy of Ethics.‘ She has won several accolades and recognitions, National and International, which include India Women Achievers Award, Maha Kriti Samman, Life time Achievement  Award, 2024.  She is a Social activist, writing and addressing environmental issues and Social injustice. She believes in the power of the w she has won Galaxy Award in Experimental Poetry and writes boldly on matters that deal with the contemporary. With her Doctorate in Post war American Poetry, she has established an indigenous diction of her own.  A Critical study on her Poems as a book has come out , “The Myna’s Melodies- Poetry of Presence – A Reader’s Entry” by Professor Cijo Joseph Chennelil   Email. [email protected] 

Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/mynamolly