Dr. José Luis López from Puerto Rico: “What’s a peace?”

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

What’s a peace? What you doing for making a peaceful life? What can you use to promote peacemakers?  Is this difficult to attend or difficult to spread out?

We have been into a unsounded, undistracted environment where you and I would have liked to meet and live forever. Now, what’s a peace? The simple explanation would be the atmosphere where you avoid unwanted noises, undesirable conflicts among nations, and, build up a quieter place for everyone breaths in purity, wisdom and new serene dimension only we could ignite on time.

Could we be peacemaker? Affirmative, we could have one.  Why? Because nobody wants to do wars, nobody likes to be trapped into shooting, and, no one would ever have to escape from any tyrant neither dictatorship compulsively bullies the country.

Peacefully is becoming the breeze, those freedom nature winds flowing wherever they are, become a flock of birds, looking for nests for the precious scene of having a family, it’s making our new world of joyfulness, a new world of uncontaminated resources, and totally virgin to everything we might need to live in huge sanctity.

If you want to be in this peaceful tranquility world, we have to change our actions optimistic and allow the entire planet functions to the exceptional deserved time.

©® JLL
