Borna Kekić: Zagreb, Croatia

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

City of Zagreb

My building I can not without you, I was born there, I grew up there, became a man. I grew up …you have grown, my son.

I love gigging on your streets, violins in the Octagon whose strings caress my soul. I pass through your streets and squares, I love the smell of chestnuts on Cvijetni, pigeons on Jelačič, and my grandfather’s stories about Ban

My building I wonder what I would be like when I grew up on some other streets and squares, on some meadows and forests,¬¬ I would be the same, because you are me my building, gave me meadows and forests, you gave me the streets and squares of my Trešnjevka, my neighborhood with Remiza where every tram flock at the end of the day. You gave me the beauty of the metropolis, the warmth of the family neighborhood, you gave me the music of life I love you. build my…

Note about the author: Borna Kekić was born in Zagreb, graduated from high school of economics. He started playing music as a boy in the Zagreb Children’s Choir. He started playing rap music in the 7th grade of elementary school and continues until  this day, and he has gone through various forms of playing this type of music. He writes his own texts, creates his own music, and in the high school of economics, in the field of marketing and entrepreneurship, he was encouraged to take up additional activities, so that, in addition to being in the studio, he is currently also recording videos. He got to know poets through music and that encouraged him to express his feelings in this way as well.