Bikash Sahitya Parishod organized a virtual program on 7th January 2023 in English.
Best Poet Writer and Humanitarian Peace Activist Award 2022 is announced. The award was announced by Bikash Sahitya Parishod’s Honorable Founder President Md. Nazmul Kabir.

Doctor Salam was the chief guest at the event. He said that I am very happy that Bikash Sahitya Parishad is recognizing and encouraging highly renowned and popular poets, writers and humanitarian peace activists in the country and internationally. It’s really a pleasure. I think it will encourage people from different parts of the world to do more humanitarian work in the future. Good luck to all. Honorable founder president of Bikash Sahitya Parishad said that for a long time this organization of ours has been practicing literature as well as involved in humanitarian activities.
This organization is recognizing and encouraging many talented people from the country and abroad after a lot of scrutiny with the aim of encouraging very talented intellectual and humanitarian people from the country and international circles and encouraging more people to work for the welfare of literature for the welfare of humanity.

If there are any mistakes in this long work, everyone will look at the apology. Best wishes from the bottom of the heart to all the recognized national and foreign meritorious persons. After that he announced the names of the recognized best meritorious persons one by one. 95 people received the Best Poet, Writer and Humanitarian Peace Worker Award 2022 of Bikash Sahitya Parishad.

This recognition was given to the very popular poet Md. Hedaetul Islam (Bangladesh), Dr. Joseph S. Spence, assistant professor of Marquette University in America, (America), founder of the University of people’s Shai Reshef (USA), Maxine A. Moncrieffe (America), ZLANTAN DEMIROVIC (America), Jerry Langdon (USA), Steve Harvey (USA), alexey kalakutin (Russia), Popular Poet Cao shui (China), zhang zhi (China), Sophy Chen (China), Eva Lianou Petro Poulou (Greece), Jeanette eureka triburcio(Mexico), Jose Luis Rubio (Spain), Ana Steleja (Serbia), Sudhir S Salunke (India), Rahim Karim Karimov(Kyrgyzstan), Brenda Muhammed (Trinidad and Tobago), Gasmi Abdullah (Tunisia), Aziz Muntasir (Morocco), Eden Soriano Trinidad (Philippines), Banya Natsuishi (Japan), Prince Dr. Lazar Belhaj (Algeria), Dr. Samuel galimidi (Peru), Savas Sarikaya (Turkey), FCO. Xavier Ramirez Sanchez ( Mexico), Hasan El Sayed Abdel Naim Al Fayad (Egypt), Taghrid Bou merhi (Lebanon), Patricia Panelva Galler Do (Argentina), Sungrye han (South Korea), Dr. Rawdah etawi (Jordan), ABM Sohel Rashid (Bangladesh) Hajera Begum (Bangladesh),Samim (Bangladesh), Omar Farooq Khandakar (Bangladesh), Chowdhury Nazmul Hassan (Bangladesh), Elena Ananyeva (Ukraine) Eduards Harrants (Armenia) and many talented people from home and abroad.