Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
1 – What’s the role of Ethics in human life?
The role of Ethics in human life is as crucial as a driving wheel of an automobile, doesn’t matter how good the car is, how powerful the engine is and how sincere the driver is, but if the driving wheel is faulty, you will never reach your desired destination. The ethics and moral values a man, society and civilization cherish and embodies determine the well-being and destiny of the said entity. In other words, ethics and moral values are essential for creating and maintaining the optimal internal and external environment required for all inclusive growing, thriving and prospering of the humanity, all other sentient beings and mother earth. Indeed, the ethics and moral values are the only panacea against chaos, conflicts and corruption, against disharmony, deceit and deception, against vengeance, vendetta and violence which cause the pollution of the internal human environment and subsequently the pollution of the external environment of humanity, society, nations and our cosmic homestead Mother Earth.
In nutshell, the conduct and well-being of a human being, humanity and human civilization as a whole depends upon individually and collectively cherished and embodied ethics and moral values.
2 – How does the evolutionary arrow point to the Homo Ethicus?
The Life Principal has worked very hard and sincerely for millions of years to evolve into a human being. Human body and brain are the best evolutionary product embodying the whole universe as a microcosm.
The human body is manifested upon earth without any organs of offence or defense, like thorns or horns, claws or canines, thick hide or hooves, poisonous stings or spines but indeed it is made into the image of an “Apostle of Non-violence”. Therefore, we can undoubtedly say that human body is the embodiment of the universal ethic of nonviolence.
The Neocortical human brain is the one which distinguishes a man from an animal. It is indeed the “High Throne of Ethical Reasoning” which makes a man into a cosmic justice dispenser, cosmic lover and a cosmic well-wisher. Moreover, the neuroscientific research has proved without doubt that the human immune system is empowered and strengthened by the altruistic ethical thoughts of universal goodwill and welfare. Does not that certainly prove that a man is made into an altruistic ethical organism upon earth as a Homo Ethicus.
3 – How evolutionary process fashioned a human body?
The geological elemental evolutionary process prepared the stage for appearance of life upon earth in the oceans. With the advent of sunlight processing photosynthetic cynobacteria, the molecule of Chlorophyll started cooking food for all the living beings. Later the amphibians learnt to live in water and upon earth. Everyone was depositing eggs here and there without much care and concern but birds started caring for incubation of the eggs. Thereafter, with the advent of the child bearing mammals, there was a gradual evolution of mammalian care, concern and compassion for the new born babies which got translated into the evolutionary wisdom of making the “liquid love” as milk from their own blood.
The evolutionary gift of the “Mirror Neurons” prepared the ground for the biological wisdom of transforming the love of progeny into milk. Thus, the mammals blessed with the mirror neurons also served as the foundation of “empathetic mirroring” within. Later, this empathetic mirroring became the basis of the human Mirror Conscience being empowered by the universal empathy made a man into a truth loving cosmic being of love and light. Such is the evolutionary legacy which fashioned the human body and brain into a microcosm encompassing and embodying whole universe within duly empowered by the cosmic consciousness.
4 – Is the human body product of evolutionary ethical wisdom?
Yes, with the gradual learning and embodiment of evolutionary wisdom of appropriate actions which helped the survival of living beings. With the subsequent perpetual memory storage of this ethical wisdom by the DNA genetic endowment got finally evolved into the Neocortical human brain and the human body as the sacred temple of cosmic ethical reasoning. Which finally resulted in the human “Mirror Conscience” for empowering the human attribute of truth seeking and truth reckoning for strengthening the wellbeing and welfare of one and all upon earth and in the universe. The Neocortical human brain and body is indeed the embodiment of “cosmic ethical wisdom” of universal love and light which was called by ancient Rishi Sages of India as Rta, the Egyptians called it Maat, Christians called it Holy Logos and Islamists called it Aql.
What are the Universal Ethics?
The humanity needs to draw a bottom line with the following universal ethics so everyone takes responsibility for own personal conduct, character and social behavioral interactions. Every human being needs to embody these universal ethics which are essentially required to establish a permanent mindful connection with the Universal Mind (UM). The law of universal correspondence seeks to state and motivate humanity that all the like minded energies vibrating with the sympathetic resonances in the universe work together, play together, dance together and cocreate together. Therefore, in order to connect with the universal mind, a man is needed to vibrate with the same frequency as the UM for establishing the real time connection with it and get in the sync with UM.
The human mind has the greatest cosmic characteristic attribute that when focused on any object of our mental concentration, it can take its shape, character, essence of the said object becoming one with it. The human mind works like the mirror of water! The water is the conscious mental mirror of the universe, it is more than the material glass mirror which is static but the mirror of water is dynamically conscious! Therefore, the human mind needs to cultivate and embody the universal ethics to acquire the cosmic capacity of “Vibrating by Choice”. These universally benevolent mental attributes and attitudes of universal ethics correspond with the mental attributes and attitudes of Universal Mind as well. The sympathetic resonances of the universal ethics acquired and embodied by the human mind make it capable to connect with the UM by its inherent power of mental concentration and focus. These universal ethics are mentioned below –
1 – Truth
2 – Non-violence of thought, word and deed
3 – Respect and reverence for the “Right of Happy Existence” of each and every man, woman and child and all other sentient beings upon earth
4 – Responsible Energy Consumption empowered by deep gratitude and grateful thanksgivng. No unnecessary frivolous hoarding of energy, money and materials.
5 – Human embodiment of the universally benevolent mental attributes and attitudes through steadfast mental concentration and regular practice. These universally benevolent mental attributes and attitudes as universal ethics will eventually expand greatly the human Circle of Compassion (COC) transforming a jealous territorial human being into an altruistic universal being who has the power and potential for embracing and loving whole humanity and every other sentient being as his very own family upon earth.
6 – How best can we measure the authenticity of universal ethics?
We can measure the authenticity of the universal ethics by the size of their operating “Circle of Compassion” (COC) which defines their unconditional inclusiveness embracing whole humanity, all the sentient beings, mother earth and universe. For example, the mental attitude of jealousy has a very COC concerned only with the selfishness of individual but humanitarian altruistic ethical attitude has a very big COC encompassing and embracing whole humanity, earth and universe. In other words, the size of the Circle of Compassion of the mental attribute and attitude is the true measure of its authenticity, if it has the power, potential and prowess to encircle, embrace and encompass everyone in universe and the universe as well!
What’s the greatest ethical human responsibility?
The greatest ethical responsibility is the uncompromising steadfast observation and practice of the universal ethics empowered by the unconditional “universal empathy” which will create a global ecosystem of unconditional love and compassion resulting in perpetual peace, progress and prosperity upon earth. These universal ethics have to be practiced sincerely and faithfully every day 24x7x365 basis under all circumstances and conditions, at every place, region and nation, with every living being without any compromise, dilution or selfish drama of personal convenience or any kind of justifications.
What’s is the greatest ethical human duty?
The greatest human duty is that a man must never use his physical body to harm or cause injury to any human being or a sentient being. In other words, a man must never ever allow his physical and mental resources becoming a cause or an instrument of harm to any living being, environment and earth.
Why a human being is considered as an apostle of Non-violence?
The evolutionary process has given a man NO organs of violence like horns or thorns, poisonous fangs, stings or spines for causing harm or injury to any living being. In other words, a man indeed came to earth as an apostle of Non-violence. What a miracle of infinite human trust in the Creation that we came on earth Bare Feet without hooves or any kind of Shoes, but rather we came with terribly delicate soft soles in order to practice our infinite trust in ourselves and in the universal benevolence of the Creation as well!
What makes the human consciousness as a truth loving consciousness?
The vertical posture of the human body helps a man to keep aligned with the center of the universe for receiving the sacred Truth information as it is without any refraction or diversion from the truthful alignment with the Cosmic Divine Source (CDS). Also, a human being acquired the vertical posture, in order to practice the universal justice of mutual coexistence upon earth so others could have the space for themselves, coz the vertical posture takes less earth space than the horizontal space. Secondly, evolutionary process has blessed a human being with the Mirror Neurons which are the cause and instrument of the “Mirror Conscience” helping a man to enjoy the reflection of “Truth within as it is” without any distortion or dishonest representation.
How the human conscience is made to love equality, justice and honesty?
A human being is blessed with the “Mirror Conscience” empowered by the Mirror Neuronal System (MNS) which serves as the foundation of universally benevolent mental attributes and attitudes of empathy, equality, justice, honesty, kindness, fair play, altruism, love and compassion. This Mirror Conscience empowers the self mirroring ability of a human being which blesses a man with the innate mental attribute of the Truth Seeking existential human enterprise upon earth. This exercise of mirroring the truthful reflection of every thought, word and deed creates an inner ecosystem of loving truth, seeking truth, abiding truth, embodying truth and becoming one with the truth, coz a man can not deceive the Mirror Within and if he does try to deceive the mirror within, he is condemned to suffer from the pangs of guilt.
What makes the Responsible Parenthood most essential factor of ethical human development?
The research in the field of Neuroscience and Psychology has established beyond any doubt that the mental attributes and attitudes acquired in early childhood get “Hard Wired” as Preconceived Cognitive Commitments (PCCs) which become part of the Subconscious mind domain. Thereafter, these PCCs are repeated automatically as mental habit patterns bypassing any intervention by the Conscious Mind meaning we are not even aware about our thoughts, words and deeds we are performing. Thus, if the parents are ignorant or conveniently ignore their most sacred humanitarian duty of the responsible parenthood, they make their children learn bad attributes and attitudes which get hard wired in their brains making the children handicapped forever because of the Irresponsible Parenthood. Moreover, with the irresponsible parenthood, we establish a planetary and cosmic “Chain of Evil” (CE) through our children, coz wherever our children will go upon earth, they will create nuisance, bad social environment, damage and destruction by their hardwired bad mental Preconceived Cognitive Commitments (PCCs) of anger, jealousy, hatred, violence, vendetta, deceit, deception, dishonesty, inequality, injustice, greed, gluttony and many more dehumanizing behavioral traits!
Why do we call modern times as an age of human responsibility?
The past centuries served as the foundation of human enlightenment and idealism empowering “ethical reasoning” for making humanity aware about the crucial importance of the Ethical human conduct, character and universally benevolent human behavior for establishing a global ecosystem of perpetual peace, progress and prosperity for one and all. But we know that only awareness about the ethics is not enough. The ethics need to be practiced individually and collectively with steadfast discipline and unwavering commitment by all the members of the human family upon earth as their sacred humanitarian duty. Eventually the perpetually repeated practice of ethics will create an epigenetic inner ecosystem which will enable the human embodiment of the ethics. This requires that every individual and collectively global humanity to dedicate the twenty first century for this noble cause and to prepare herself for the advent of the “Age of Human Responsibility”. Therefore, the twenty first century needs to usher in the age of human responsibility upon earth for empowering the evolution of Homo Sapiens into Homo Ethicus.
How humanity can evolve from Homo Sapiens to the Homo Ethicus?
The Homo Sapiens need to practice and be steadfast upon the core ethical values all the time without any compromise in any circumstances and conditions. There are three inalienable laws of universal ethical conduct thus –
1 – The human conduct, behavior and action must never violate the sanctity of the “Right of Happy Existence” of any human being or any sentient being under any condition or circumstances.
2 – The human conduct must never cause harm to human being himself as long as it doesn’t violate the first law.
3 – A human being must practice and be steadfast upon the fivefold universal ethics as long as it doesn’t violate the first and the second law.
Why does humanity need to evolve to the Homo Ethicus before the ultimate evolutionary Omega of Homo Universalis?
The ultimate human evolutionary Omega of the Homo Universalis embodying cosmic consciousness would never become the reality until and unless, humanity evolves into the Homo Ethicus through the human embodiment of responsible ethical human conduct, character and universally benevolent human behavior for the good of one and all upon earth. This transition from Homo Sapiens to Homo Ethicus will empower the self actualization of the Planetary consciousness encouraging and engaging the humanity to become the responsible earth citizens. This will eventually prepare mankind to let go of her false egoistic endeavor to become the “Masters of Earth” and rather accept the sacred truth that man is not the creator of earth so he is not supposed to covet the property of the Creator which does not belong to him. With this truth realization and absolute acceptance, humanity will eventually come to her senses and take the yoke of cosmic responsibility and be and become the “Custodian of Earth”.