Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
A highly celebrated Yogi
An ardent Haj going Maulavi
Keeper of commandments
A “holy than thou” Christian saint
Together they went to the heaven’s gate
O, keeper of the cosmic records
Open the gate of heaven
Let us in, they said in one voice
The keeper of the gate said
Go back to earth
And bring back your other halves
Only complete person is allowed
We sent you together
And together you shall return
All three were dismayed
What does he mean by the other half ?
They asked him
which other half you are talking about, Sir
The wise gate keeper replied
Where is the woman ?
Further the keeper of gate added
You three acted as male chauvanists
You lived in the prison of gender
Never came out of gender box
You never respected your other half
You must know that every man has whole genome
Male and female together
So does every woman
O Yogi, you pride yourself
For your self contemplation
Yet you never allowed single meditation
Upon the greatness of feminine divine
You never tried to know
How to turn your blood into “liquid love”
To feed the liquid love – the milk for the babe
How to have infinite patience
While incubating the eggs or
Waiting upon the child
You never tried to contemplate
Why woman chose her costume ?
With a rucksack in front
To practice the self sacrificing
To offer her back to the wolves
But to keep the love child safe.
O, self claimed pious Maulavi
You kept your woman under the tent
She was not the mother of your children
But a reproductive machine
Who after birth
Handed over the child to you
So you could make a swordsman
For your insatiable greed of empire
O, keeper of holy commandments
You made a playboy of yourself
The woman was stripped naked
To boast of a civilized world
For your burning desires of material consumption
You made a advertising Mannequin of the divine feminine
I know you all three are cursing me
But the truth must prevail
For in heaven
Only one dharma has dominion
That is the dharma of truth
Wise ones say thus
There is no religion greater than religion of truth
So please go back to earth
And only return when you are complete human being
Then, the Yogi implored thus
O, divine self be our Guru
And give us the discerning eye
The wisdom eye that sees only truth.
The divine gate keeper said thus
You must come out of the gender box
Either you contemplate the feminine divine of your genome
Or be a woman in next birth
So you can be witness to the glory
of feminine divine.
And incorporate the truth in your DNA
Know it well gentlemen,
The gender box is the last gate upon earth
And it equally applies to women as well
And every man and woman must come out of their gender boxes
Before you could reach to the gate of heaven.
And let the truth prevail upon earth.
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© Bhagirath Choudhary
Divine Woman
Evolution lovingly refined a woman
Indeed so much more than a man
Crowning her with deeply loving attitude
And with life sustaining deep ecology of gratitude.
Godly attitudes come to a woman
More naturally than a man
Love, empathy, care and patience
Come to her more easily than beastly violence.
Evolution wrapped her body into a beautiful dress
And gave her a tiara of a living goddess
She is embodiment of divine human passion
Evolution made her mother of human nation.
How a man allows the beast to dominate him ?
Why a man gives in to his animalistic whim ?
Why a man behaves so insane and wild ?
Violating a sister, mother and an innocent girl child.
It is high time that all earth nations of man
Rise above gender injustice and sadistic pain
Man must transcend the beastly male chauvinism
His beast must evolve into divine human organism.
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