Bhagirath Choudhary from India: “Positive Literature”

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

With loving intention to share
For inclusive universal welfare
Positive Literature must rise
Like monsoon’s living enterprise

When burning literary passion
Turns in unconditional loving compassion
Living Letters get the kindly wings
To ride on the benevolent literary winds

Leaving back oceanic salty selfish nature
Forgoing skeptic negativity feature
Living literary cloud must rise mighty high
Reaching far away lands riding on wings of sky

Enamored deeply with earthly love
Literature flying like a peace dove
Living Letters of love must reach to all lands
To give life to waiting hearts and human souls

Being steadfast on love for all without doubt
Benevolent literary cloud  must watch out
Devil’s temptations of false glitter and glow
And egoistic empty acts of sound and light show

To make their literary exercise truly useful
Ambitious Writers must be lovingly careful
Sky riding literary cloud must rain drop by drop
Irrigating every mind and  heart of earthly crop

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© Bhagirath Choudhary