Abdulbasset Abdulsalam Qassem Alsamadi from Yemen: “Beautiful joy”

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Love that starts from the heart
It has a flavour, fragrance and
Standards that can only be
Measured by Tunisian jasmine.
Love is not just a journey
And we’re done.

I am not a hearts surgeon
I am a poet who writes poetry
With his heart and love flows
Through his veins and continue
I Write poetry from the smile
Left on my chest and from a look
That quickened the pulse and
Reversed the Rotation of the heart 

The words of love that i write
I found joy without Appointment 
And every Word i hid in My chest
For love blame my Patience
I don’t think there is a place on earth
did not reach him Smile letters of my name

I write poetry for a woman
Whose love was a beautiful joy
And was the right decision

In Uzbekistan it was a first meeting
And it was the blackness of the night changes with The falling of rose tears with it
As if love starts from my heart
And as if her love never stops moment
