Timothée Bordenave: The party In Berlin…

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

«My name is Timothee Bordenave. I am an author, as a poet, novelist and essayist, then I am also a painter and graphic artist from France, in Paris. I was born forty one years ago in 1984, in the same city of Paris and even if I did travel a lot, I have always come back to live here. I published many books, more than twenty as of today. And previously I have worked as a library manager.»

The party In Berlin…

There was music around, all of us were dancing,
To the loud, frenetic melody and scansion,
Though we were three hundred, we would not feel tension,
Only the love, the smiles, as these speakers would sing…
Yes ! Even if I had come alone to the place,
I was feeling upheld by the crowd as I moved,
With the rhythm, so strong ! Soon our party improved :
When I saw at my side a cute girl’s smiling face.
« Mm » Thought-I. « This woman is pretty ! Attractive ! »
And I bounced for some more, my eyes shut, with a smile…
Then there after we kissed. I proposed we would leave.
We walked for a moment in the surrounding woods,
Let apart what followed when a quarter of mile,
Further, we sat and leaned, and kissed, and kissed, moulded…

Waiting for Samantha

Outside, it rains, but this Summer,
Will soon provide us good weather,
For sure ! – And from you, Moons, even,
Will I meet with my friend Raven…
My friend Red-Collar, my friend Dove,
My friend Alcyon and my love…
Visiting the sixth, Avenue,
Of Rosalyn – A best venue !
Outside, it rains, then all Swallows,
At their nidations rest, either,
Will they fly here, with all feathers,
Later, for you dear… Fly allow !
I need you, Darling ! Out, on sight,
The roofs drip rain, while I await.
I would like to hug you, albeit.
Where are you ? Wandering beauty…
[ But at this instant, Timothy :

The bell rings ! ]
« – Samantha ! Pretty… »
