Maria Miraglia: 8th March a poem for women

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

My poem celebrates women. It would be nice if we could celebrate together, sipping something delicious, talking about women, their lives, and their condition from the beginning to the present, and finding a way to think of something useful to free them anywhere.

8th of MARCH

Women’s day celebration

Tastes of falsehood

the smell of these flowers

offered by the hands

that so many times

left marks on my body

as many as the clouds in the sky

on a winter day

nor do I recognize

this smile of yours

marked by wrinkles

of a man who faces life

dragging with him

heavy the burden of impiety

Printed in my mind

your evil gaze

say when

you blame me

for things never said or

things never done

pouring over me

your failures your defeats

I tell my pain

to the wind

the will to go

stifled inside me

the cold you brought into my heart

chilly like the wind of Buran

the darkness in my soul

like the arctic nights

and ripped you have my hope

and all my dreams

Of me

of the woman of yore

just a portrait remains

hanging on a wall

in this faded-walled house

where I wander as in a limbo

Flying hugs
