Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Short Bio: Dimpho Makokoe is a poet, a youth leader, an innovator, photographer, humanitarian entrepreneur and has been nominated for the She Global Awards 2024 for the Category of Mediapreneur. She has worked with Tsoga Mosadi, Mphe Seriti Orphanage Centre and Ephraim Ministries.
God Spoke
The one who dwells in man spoke
Uttered words heard only by a mustard seeds
Those who’s spirits are willing to embody the fire of God
To cleanse, purify, align and rediscover
God spoke of the chosen
Those with burdens from birth
Those born with a light that brightens all things dark.
Bethesda Healing Well
Do you wish to be well?
Do you believe you might be well?
Do you know you are part of the medicine?
The healing process do you know that it needs your faith to manifest?
How badly do you want to be healed?
Lest you believe you might not find the healing!
Lest you declare you might not receive your gift of healing!
Healing is a voluntarily action
Prayer as a portal
Faith as a key to unlock
Believe as the ultimate key holder
Do you wish to be well?
If you wish and believe then you are well!