Bhagirath Choudhary: “A Smart Man”

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

In my haughtiness
Going beyond
My civilian fairness
I hide my selfishness
Under the garb of my gentleness
So conveniently, I swindle
my true humanness

Under the dark spell
Of my ignorance
I advocated
And syndicated
For essential violence

Ever Glorifying 
The beast within
With my falsehood
Deceitfully, I destroyed
The human brotherhood
With my cruel
Acts of gender bias
I defiled my sisterhood

With my biased
Intellectual arrogance
I deliberately planted
The seeds of dissonance
I crookedly grafted
Racial  divisions
Dividing man from man
And woman from man
I created upon earth
Great human sufferings and pain

With my crooked intelligence
In the name of safe and smart banking
With my tricks and hypnotic passes
Everyday, I siphon off
The money from the masses

I am indeed a smart man
I focus only on my own gain
I care for none but only my take
I just want my sweet  chocolate cake
I give a dame to anyone’s blame
I just tread my smart path without regret or shame.

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© Bhagirath Choudhary
September 30, 2024