Dr Ashok kumar: “New Aspects in the Foreign Policy of India and Its Importance in 2024”

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού


India’s foreign policy has undergone significant transformations in recent years, adapting to the evolving global landscape. As the world navigates the complexities of the post-pandemic era, India’s foreign policy in 2024 reflects new strategies and priorities. This paper examines the emerging aspects of India’s foreign policy, including its emphasis on strategic autonomy, multilateral engagements, neighborhood diplomacy, and economic partnerships. It also explores the importance of these developments in enhancing India’s global standing and securing its national interests in an increasingly multipolar world.

1. Introduction
India’s foreign policy has traditionally been guided by principles of non-alignment, strategic autonomy, and peaceful coexistence. However, the 21st century has seen India adapt its foreign policy to address new challenges and opportunities. By 2024, India’s foreign policy reflects a nuanced approach that balances traditional principles with modern realities. This paper analyzes the new aspects of India’s foreign policy and their significance in the current global context.

2. Strategic Autonomy and Multipolarity
2.1 Redefining Strategic Autonomy
Strategic autonomy has been a cornerstone of India’s foreign policy, emphasizing the need to maintain independent decision-making in international affairs. In 2024, India continues to uphold this principle but with a more pragmatic approach. Rather than strict non-alignment, India now seeks to engage with multiple global powers, balancing relationships with the United States, Russia, the European Union, and China. This approach allows India to navigate the complexities of a multipolar world while safeguarding its strategic interests.

2.2 Engaging in Multilateralism
India’s commitment to multilateralism is a significant aspect of its foreign policy in 2024. As global challenges such as climate change, cybersecurity, and pandemics require collective action, India actively participates in multilateral forums like the United Nations, BRICS, G20, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). India’s leadership in these platforms enhances its diplomatic clout and allows it to shape global norms and standards.

3. Neighborhood First and Act East Policy
3.1 Strengthening Regional Ties
India’s “Neighborhood First” policy remains central to its foreign policy strategy in 2024. Recognizing the importance of stable and prosperous neighbors, India continues to prioritize diplomatic, economic, and security engagements with South Asian countries. Initiatives such as the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) revival, infrastructure projects in Bhutan, Nepal, and Bangladesh, and counter-terrorism cooperation with Afghanistan and Sri Lanka reflect India’s commitment to regional stability.

3.2 Expanding the Act East Policy
India’s “Act East” policy, aimed at strengthening ties with Southeast Asia and the broader Indo-Pacific region, has gained renewed momentum in 2024. India’s participation in the Quad (Quadrilateral Security Dialogue) alongside the US, Japan, and Australia underscores its commitment to a free, open, and inclusive Indo-Pacific. Moreover, India continues to enhance economic and strategic partnerships with ASEAN nations, focusing on trade, connectivity, and defense cooperation.

4. Economic Diplomacy and Global Trade
4.1 Diversifying Economic Partnerships
In 2024, India’s foreign policy places significant emphasis on economic diplomacy. India seeks to diversify its economic partnerships, reducing dependence on any single country or region. This diversification is evident in India’s trade agreements with the European Union, the United Kingdom, and Canada, as well as its efforts to strengthen economic ties with African and Latin American nations. These initiatives are aimed at enhancing market access, securing supply chains, and attracting foreign investment.

4.2 Energy Security and Sustainable Development
Energy security remains a critical component of India’s foreign policy in 2024. As India continues to pursue rapid economic growth, it seeks to secure reliable and affordable energy sources. India’s foreign policy prioritizes energy cooperation with Middle Eastern countries, Central Asia, and Russia. Simultaneously, India is expanding its renewable energy partnerships, particularly in solar and wind energy, to meet its sustainable development goals and combat climate change.

5. Technological and Cyber Diplomacy
5.1 Advancing Digital Partnerships
As the world becomes increasingly digitized, India recognizes the importance of technological diplomacy. In 2024, India actively engages in digital partnerships with countries like the United States, Japan, Israel, and European nations to advance its digital economy, enhance cybersecurity, and promote innovation. India’s leadership in the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) and its participation in international cybersecurity forums highlight its commitment to shaping global digital norms.

5.2 Space Diplomacy
India’s achievements in space technology have positioned it as a key player in space diplomacy. In 2024, India continues to leverage its space capabilities to enhance diplomatic ties. Collaborative space missions, satellite launches for other countries, and participation in global space governance are integral to India’s foreign policy. India’s space diplomacy not only boosts its scientific and technological standing but also serves as a tool for soft power.

6. Importance of India’s Foreign Policy in 2024
6.1 Enhancing Global Standing
The new aspects of India’s foreign policy are crucial in enhancing its global standing. By adopting a balanced and pragmatic approach, India is increasingly recognized as a responsible and influential global player. Its active participation in multilateral forums, leadership in addressing global challenges, and strategic partnerships contribute to its growing diplomatic clout.

6.2 Securing National Interests
India’s foreign policy in 2024 is geared towards securing its national interests in an uncertain and competitive global environment. Strategic autonomy allows India to navigate great power rivalries, while economic diplomacy ensures access to markets and resources. Technological and space diplomacy, coupled with energy security initiatives, are vital for sustaining India’s economic growth and development.

6.3 Contributing to Global Stability
India’s emphasis on regional stability, sustainable development, and multilateralism underscores its commitment to global peace and stability. By promoting dialogue, cooperation, and inclusivity, India contributes to a more stable and predictable international order. This approach is particularly important in a world marked by geopolitical tensions, economic disruptions, and environmental challenges.

7. Conclusion
In 2024, India’s foreign policy reflects a blend of continuity and change, adapting to the demands of a multipolar world while staying true to its core principles. The new aspects of India’s foreign policy, including strategic autonomy, multilateral engagements, economic diversification, and technological diplomacy, are vital in enhancing its global standing and securing its national interests. As India continues to rise as a global power, its foreign policy will play a crucial role in shaping the future of international relations.

8. References
Bajpai, Kanti, and Harsh V. Pant. India’s Foreign Policy: A Reader. Oxford University Press, 2013.
Malone, David M. Does the Elephant Dance? Contemporary Indian Foreign Policy. Oxford University Press, 2011.
Mohan, C. Raja. Samudra Manthan: Sino-Indian Rivalry in the Indo-Pacific. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2013.
Ganguly, Sumit, ed. India’s Foreign Policy: Retrospect and Prospect. Oxford University Press, 2010.
Pant, Harsh V., ed. New Directions in Indian Foreign Policy: Theory and Praxis. Cambridge University Press, 2018.
This structure provides a comprehensive analysis of the evolving aspects of India’s foreign policy and their significance in 2024.
