Poems by Tamali Neogi

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Wheel of Civilization

The dictum named Targets is our prime moving force
Cries the heart in agony, is life nothing but rock climbing,
Going to the top, crossing the barriers of  targets,
In search of meaning, elusive, or
Is it in a calculated manner going downwards,
Shipwrecked individuals, sinking in the vast ocean of meaningless turmoil
Failures of introspection blocking self-knowledge, greater purpose unattended?
Yet, Target, thou are my husband, my mistress, my Supreme
The holy spirit, thou reside in the darkened soul of this century,
Teach us further. Give us lessons to surpass our limitations, for
We need to go beyond.
Who says, “Relax”? Silence.
Attaining goals does no longer pacify one’s ambition,
And the Wheel of civilization must move, forward or backward,
Or shall I say, upwards or downwards?

My Victor

Everyone wants to return home, but Odysseus, Fortune’s favourite,
Have you heard of the untold tales of the unsung heroes
Whose dreams are shattered by gods’ thunderbolts,
Meeting unheroic ends;
Man, prospect of death in an alien land, away from roots
Where no soft hand touches your  forehead,
No sweet face attending your bedside;
Momentary release of emotions, telling tears flowing from eyes
Wetting your cheeks, drained of bloods,
Oh! Your fevrile response,  your writhing fingers,
Come back man, it’s horrifying.
If Fortune favours, enduring “Stout hands” of your large, capable, Penelope will welcome you back
If not, no regrets.
Man in exile, bravely  cross the threshold between life and death,
Meet me underworld.
Thy return journey, my victor, Odysseus.

Bounty of Floodwater

Real indigence freezes every effort!
Standing on the borders are our veteran fighters
Vigilant against unlawful trespassing.
Desires and wishes aroused only to be flattened out
Towards the motionless sea of sadness. Alas!
Thousand unemployed, subemployed destitute are there in our homes whose iron minds, each moment
Fight against million odds and billion  provocations,
Challenges of life are greatest enemies ever.
Food and shelter, shocking extravagance for our fighters,
Ye lo! Shining in glory our tricolour, our good will, as virtues, unconquered, uncompromised.
Steadfastness and bravery, struggle and strengths,
Fighters everywhere are protected by their own qualities. For
Adversities bow their heads before spirits, unassailable.
When flood comes, the fishes get washed downstream
Some invincible spirits enjoy the bounty of flood water.
