Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Bio: From Silchar, Assam, India, Daipayan Nair is a haikuist. His haiku, senryu & tanka have been featured on various international platforms. He has been published in the Frogpond, the prune juice journal, Under the Basho Journal, Failed Haiku Journal, Kingfisher Journal, The Wales Haiku Journal among others. He regularly contributes to haikuKATHA from Triveni Haikai India. His recent collection of haiku & senryu titled “tilt of the winnowing fan” was published in 2022 by Hawakal
Haiku by Daipayan Nair
tipping point
grandma attempts to pluck
a marigold
coconut broom —
a beggar’s coughing sweeps
the tarpaulin
sunrise splash —
a father’s word of advice
plants the paddy
receding sunlight …
her last handprint
on the dung cake wall
meadow trail mud
a schoolgirl puts her hands
into her slippers