Poems by Danijela Ćuk

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Danijela Ćuk. I was born on May 25, 1989. in Vukovar and I live in Rijeka (Croatia). I am engaged in writing poetry and prose, so far I have published two independent collections of poetry in the edition “Diligo liber” called “Positive to Life” and “Strength of Love”. I participated in more than 15 joint collections of poetry and some of them were published in foreign magazines. All proceeds from the sale of my collections go to humanitarian purposes, and I do volunteer work.


Man, you might be small under the stars,
but be big with a heart,
because you were not made to make tears,
you are not the one to judge…

You don’t even realize how lucky you are,
that you have the privilege to live because you know,
someone would give anything in the world
that his face is adorned with a smile and his eyes with the glow of life.

You have a purpose in this world,
but you have to find it in yourself,
why do you harm others,
when so much potential lives in you?

The potential to do good,
to make something of yourself,
because if you don’t value your being,
who will appreciate you then?

If you fall to the bottom, there’s no shame,
but pick yourself up and keep walking,
a message swims in every word of your moments
which only life sends to you.

Don’t think that it’s the hardest for you
only you suffer in this world,
others have a much harder time,
but it will be too late if you realize too late.

Man…don’t be small in soul and heart,
be a star bigger than the sky,
don’t be proud, envious and sorry,
and do not turn your back on the weak.

Let your meaning of life be like mine,
send the most beautiful light to this world,
because it doesn’t take much to be beautiful,
to someone, the whole world is just one small hug.

A hug that you can and should give…
If you can call yourself a man!

Be in love with life

Be in love with life,
regardless of the fact that he doesn’t always give you petals of happiness…
Think of yourself and take care,
because others won’t do it for you…

Life is full of ups and downs
and it’s normal to fall sometimes,
but it is never good
steal someone’s happiness with your wickedness…

A man can be happy
not doing harm to others,
if he gives a hand to a weak body,
instead of pushing it to the bottom.

Evil never created happiness,
nor peace in our hearts and souls,
love is what brings people together
and builds a community that does not collapse.

So, before ugly thoughts cloud your mind,
and imprisons the heart in shackles that tighten you to unconsciousness,
think if you want to be a winner of life,
or one of those who lose strength and balance.

If you want to be happy, learn what happiness is,
and never build yourself over someone else’s pain,
because if you trample someone with your wickedness,
one day someone will step on you.

Hug me

Hug me in silence,
with the heart, as only you know how…
I don’t need words to know that you care,
that you belong to me…

Our two hearts joined in one,
it’s my whole world
the view from the top of the mountain of life,
picking her most beautiful flower…

Hug me, look me in the eyes,
in yours I find myself,
but no one can read my soul,
nobody but you.

Only you know the beats of my heart,
only you enjoy my trust,
because of you, only the sun shines for me,
even when gloomy clouds exist.

There is no such price, no,
that can value the feeling that,
when I find my home in your heart,
because I know that you have brought back the shine of my smile.

You’re here and that’s enough,
your scent got under my skin,
oh, my life, is he really a man
can you love sincerely with your heart?
