Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Feeling: To all the people who are suffering
Now I am,
Feeling your feeling,
Can read your mind,
Your desire is like the star,
Winking in the sky,
So dustless and transparent.
Yes you are,
Trying your best to,
Be a poet who’s understanding,
Hope my heart,
Can link the softest place,
Of human nature,
Not fragile again.
In the present,
In the future,
And in this space and moment.
Everything that the body endured, Transcends pain,
Is deeply imprinted in our genes.
In the past,
In the last,
And in this planet and sense.
Everything that the soul got,
Beyond wealth,
Let us have the cognition,
Of symbiosis and coexistence.
And now,
Let’s hand our names back,
Print in the peace and love,
To continue what we have been.
And then,
Let’s stare at our own eyes,
To judge that if we can,
Overcome all unforesawable difficulties,
Keep that sincerity in our existence.
Now I am,
Knowing that you’re suffering,
From the beginning.
Now I am,
Wishing silently,
Though it’s just a kind of thinking.
Our hearts are stuck together,
No need any proof anymore,
As long as everything is fine,
In your side,
My life is poetic feeling.