Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Ο Shikdar Mohamed Kibriah present: Zbigniew Roth, a humanitarian world poet in the contemporary world
Mr. Roth is a writer, composer, poet, and international journalist. Since 2007 – Member of the Association of the Polish- American Academy of Poets based in New York, USA, since 2009 – Honorary Member of the Literary and Dramatic Group. K. Przerwa – Tetmajer in Chicago since 2012 – Honorary Member of the 83 Infrared Circle in Chicago, USA, since 2013 – member of the Polish Association of Authors, Journalists and Translators in Europe A.P.A.J.T.E. based in Paris, France, from September 2014 a member of the Polish Society of Artists, Culture Authors and Animators PTAAAK in Poznań, and from 2016 a member of the SAP Branch in Kołobrzeg. In 2021 January 2021 – he was awarded the title of Dr. Ambassador of Peace, April 2021 – High Degree of Doctor of Humanities, – June 29, 2021 – the title of Doctor Honoris Causa, – October 2021 – Director of the House of the Poet Foundation in London in Poland – December 2021 – IFLAC Director of Israel in Poland! 2022 – February 2022 – Award on the occasion of the Greek Language Day – awarded by the Union of Writers of Spain – April 2022 nomination for the Chairman of the Polish Group at the Latin American Writers’ Union – June 2022 – Karim Karimow Foundation Award – Golden Heart Award for the Poet Zbigniew Roth Poland – June 2 – Nomination to the World Literary Prize of the Rahim Karim Foundation – August 2022 World Prize on the Spanish Day commemorating Sir Richard Francis, named after Mahatma Gandhi. – September 2022 – receives an invitation as an Honorary Guest to the World Rally of Poets in India in November 2022, – September 2022 .. I received the Award of the 2nd Edition of the International Peace Prize. Dr. Juan Carlos Martínez Chuecas. Too high contributions to Humanity for Peace, the Global Alliance of a Thousand Minds for Mexico International. Awarded by the Union of Hispanomundial de Recritors, the World Academy of Literature, History, Arts and Culture, the Lateric Academy, the Ibero-American Society of Historians in Mexico. – October 2022 – Platinum Eagle award – distinction Global Eagle – t5o world Award for Excellence. The Global Platinum Eagle is a World distinction on 5 continents.

Poems by Zbignew Roth:
In English
For eternal time
today I don’t know what awaits me on the other side of the rainbow
Are cordiality a smile a scream of despair who will tell me?
in remembrance of our sins, repentance by the grace of God “
I just dream of a garden full of cherries and a pitcher of milk
when i wash my hands and neck i am tired of living
I kneel by the road very tired, who will help me?
let us remember for the eternal time that the field and the forest will flourish
despite the impending flood, we will never give up
we will all pass each other’s hands on tired hands
we constantly follow the path of unity of thought and coherence of actions
to extinguish the flame of cruel war, we oppose every beast
the enemy behind the wall has a different opinion, we have strength not only in songs
I look up, maybe I’ll find out when the time is right
what is the face of my future life, because like everyone else I dream about it
about those green meadows with poppies and marigolds that we know
infinite bliss in the sun and a storm of freedom with lanterns
where a child’s laughter, birds singing, and a picture of a mountain stream
let us be penetrated by the sight of people in love not only at dusk
and now I see the massacre of torn bodies on TV again
People despair and a huge junkyard because that is not all
the skeletons of souls in the human body and the powerful send us empty words
with furrows of wounds, the tortured return happy to their homeland
maybe what once divided all people in the world
by the power of wisdom he will awaken us, he will give people peace for eternal time
On the East
today human blood flows in streams
which even heavy rain cannot wash away
ripped interiors of blocks and hanging ceilings
and death is not far from them, and the trenches
green grows abundantly around with weeds
not only farmlands, but also squares in cities
right next to Svetlana’s crying grandmother’s block
the material of the dress was found buried in the ground
as if they were defending the ground that had been torn apart by missiles
a cry of sorrow sounds like church bells in the morning
only the ground by the road is sinking deep
suddenly reveals the aftermath of barbarism
fist clenched with food debris
as if after a request that no longer has a word
and next to it, a barely visible children’s shoe
and the painful cry of the woman kneeling next to it dressed up in vests with grenades in their hands
with scarred wounds for the enemy in pursuit
their whole host go breathlessly, fighting against the faith
that they will kill the barbarians who are burning their houses
these bloody crimes, the dates of the attacks on the Motherland
more than one nation has a scar etched in their minds
faces of relatives, old people and children of the murdered
someday we will meet them in the meadows concerned in heaven