Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Biography: Harinder Cheema is an internationally celebrated , versatile poet and author . She is the only Indian to receive the “ Naji Naaman International Literary Honor Prize for Complete Work in 2022”. She has also been honoured with the Title and Award, STAR AMBASSADOR OF WORLD POETRY by Aazaad Foundation India in the Fourth International Literature Summit and World Poetry Conference 2022. She is also the proud recipient of many prestigious global awards and honours in the field of Literature.Her name finds a mention in 101 most influential women 2020 and Glantor 100 Powerful Personalities 2022 and also in the National Book of Achievers as the, “Most Creative Author”.

Just walk on the path of truth
Your old age will thank your youth
See that nothing can deter you from the righteous path
Even though you have to bear the people’s wrath
Working hard from dawn to dawn
Just walk on.
The temptations will lure you
The monotony will bore you
Some people will leave you
But some would believe you
For God’s sake and not people’s sake
Remember you are for a purpose born
Just walk on.
The World will not understand you dear
People will laugh , making you a subject of jeer
On a hazy day with a vision clear
Materialism will give way when you blow the spiritual horn

Just walk on.
Everything is transient, everything will be gone
The Palatial houses, the plush lawns
And one day there would be no one to mourn
But you can spread light as the Rising Sun
The journey itself will become the destination
Living eternally burying ” Death” beneath a tombstone
Just walk on.
And if you have committed some sins
There is still a chance to win
Afresh you have to begin
Forever leave the Devil’s Inn
Repair the soul that is torn
Check if the switch of your conscience is on
Just walk on.
In the beginning the path will seem forlorn
You will feel you are walking all alone
But only if you walk away from the crowd
Making your creator proud
There will be perpetual light and eternal day
Angels will greet you on the way
And as a pure soul with impurities gone
Just walk on.

The Rag picker And Me
As I was meditating one day
Eyes closed, face brightened by the Sun’s rays
I felt complete darkness inside
But then I saw a rag picker with a torch light
He picked up all the vile thoughts from my mind
And put them in a sack on his shoulders behind
And then I profusely wept and couldn’t stop

Supplying my tears for a detoxifying mop
Then he walked straight to the heart
After collecting all the negativity he was ready to depart
As I opened my eyes the surrounding was brightly lit
And the rag picker smiled at me before the final exit
Whenever I meditate I see the rag picker with his sack
Who cleanses my soul and goes back.

A Parrot In A Cage
I bought a parrot in a cage
Seeing the bird in a cage, I was in a fit of rage
I took the cage aside
And then put my hand inside
I wanted to free the bird
But it got very scared
It cuddled deep inside the cage shrieking at the top of its voice
Here I was trying to free it but the parrot made such a noise
And Ah! A thought occurred to me

That leaving worldly attachments is not easy
The cage was a prison and yet the bird bit me on the hand twice
The soul also does not want to leave the body if it has a choice
But if you trust the hand that liberates you
Then “Death” would be celebrated as a ” Birth New”
A single experience can make you a sage
The Soul is just “A Parrot In A Cage”.