Poems by Dau Phi Nam from Vietnam

Επιμέλεια παρουσίασης: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού ποιήτρια, συγγραφέας

His biography: Born 1962

Homeland: Thinh My village – Quynh Thien commune – Quynh Luu district – Nghe An province, Viet Nam

Medical Doctor of Ophthalmology. Member of Vietnamese Writers’ Association

Published literature works:

Rhodomyrtus tomentosa flowers of Moi village – Women’s Publisher 2010

White Phragmites australis of Truong Bon – Writers Association Publishing House 2015

From the sand wind region – Publisher of Vietnamese Writers’ Association 2020

“The drumbeat in night” poem published in the volume “With our eyes wide open” – West end press US publisher 2014.

His poems:

I and the shadow

(Drinking wine alone on the year end night)

I and my shadow

Drunk together for my whole lifetime

The drunken lifetime for others

Lifting up and putting down, the weary body

Drink to well understand the up and down sense

Drunk to well understand the cry and laugh

What a fun with lots of games

My duty is to drink, the shadow is to be drunk

Wine is sweet – life is spicy

Sweet and spicy, spicy and sweet, still drunk, the drunk

I and the shadow- the shadow and I

Drunk in each other for good sleep at night.

Rhodomyrtus tomentosa flowers in Moi village

Purple color of rhodomyrtus tomentosa flowers, the flowers in Moi village

The flower color of a confused time

The age of hide-seek games, I found you but didn’t dare to call

Pretended to search, pretende to be dull

Purple color of rhodomyrtus tomentosa flowers, the chess position

I hurrily leaf with unlucky verses

Maybe the flowers were sad and then angry

But is there any happiness that is not salty?

Purple color of rhodomyrtus tomentosa flowers, the late afternoons

The heavy debt of living made me become guilty

Now I’m looking for the flowers

Back to the source to the roots

Here are the rhodomyrtus tomentosa petals of Moi village

New roads have been constructed in factories

Looking for the flowers that confused in my heart

Where is purple color of rhodomyrtus tomentosa flowers, where are the past hide-seek games

Overthere are the petals full of dreams

But not big enough to cover you

So that I can be rejuvenated in searching again, rejuvenated to be dull again

The petals are burning with verses!

To miss the rock

Why would you turn into the rock?

So that the blind lover is hard to find you

From Thung Quan – to Hoc Tro cave

Cannot see you!

The bare rock in fairyland

You made an appointment, why didn’t you come

So this cup I drink up with the moon

The Moon Boy – Jade rabbit become in pair

I and the loneliness turned into a rock

You ever have cried

But the stream of tears mingled with mother’s milk

Raising our homeland for the time of torn bullets

Up to now the river dawns

The rock is still managed,

It is ripened itself!

From my heart


The child of the sand wind region

Born after the flooding seasons

The sterile birthing table was the mother’s bamboo flat tray

Under the porch

I was quietly born to cry out in my father’s homeland

A diaper covered me that was torn from my mother’s old shirt

The loving mother

My mother’s lullabies

Were raised from the lullabies of the virgin

The words tied in a basket of betel nut, areca palm, sunshine-wind

Sand and dust of the time, Mai Giang, wash off

I grew up from there

Met the red sun: sweet folk songs

What a beautiful childhood in school

Many nights I listened to my mother cried

Tears with the crescent moon by the three principles*

The rainbow tool** carried all the time, bent the hardworking

The drought has passed and it is going to a stormy day

Mother nursed me by alluvial seeds and bent her back

taking a sip in the afternoons

Handing into a pocket with a pen on the road of career

I was peaceful to step:

The life had big changes normally

The foreplay song, the love song missed the rhythm

Missed the rhythm of my life, an ordinary life cannot know

Walking in the middle of old jungle is hard to see a shadow of a tree

A faraway wind waked up the days

Bitter drops come from the heart, sweet and spicy folk songs

This land has deep intimate feelings.

Under the village bamboo ramparts – moonlight at the waterfront

Lift me up

Homeland was eroded

Before eyes I still saw

Mother’s shape – my countryside.

* The three principles of Chinese feudalism that a woman must follow: when at home, she must follow her father, when she gets married, she must follow her husband, and when her husband dies, she must follow her son.

** A bamboo transport tool placed on shoulders

The motherland

White salts crystallized from sweats and acrid sea

Forty years I urged to come back

Afternoon in Lach Bang, the sand dunes emerged at the end of the dyke

I took the sand to beg you in the sand

I was the pebble immersed in the sea of thirst

The thirst of beings included my own thirst

I’m still an inert pebble

With my motherland, the poem is still stilted

The shaped white salt that do I know

Remembered the old days in enemy time, we had to run away

Mother carried me to the motherland

The shirt gave by uncle, the potatoes shared by aunt

The incomplete family was under the bombs and bullets

The blue sky, mother’s back was bent

Early mornings carried the dew to Cong Street

At noon, covered by rain to return to Truc market

The bamboo hat covered the side of rice cakes

Yellow drops of sunshine cut across mother’s back

Many times the dyed-by-forest-leaves shirt got wet and dry

Traded and gathered some small profit

Mother wrapped back in the lyrics of fishes

Remembered in erratic weather

Mother was sick, flooding in white sky

My brothers and sisters were hungry in trembling

So grateful to uncle Suong crossed the river to bring rice for us

The smell of cooked porridge was so full for even the mice

Oh the past memory still showed up

I’m still the one who cannot escape the idiocy

Seeing the motherland breathes, I thought it was a dream

Wandering in the stepping on my old feet that had been begging for

Visiting my passed away uncle and thin aunt

Do Du is the old wharf

Lighting a candle in front of the ancestral altar

Witnessing for my heart

The water wharf of real world

The old garden

I come back to visit my old school

The betel nut was not seen anywhere

Where was the past areca roots?

The corner of the garden was the lime jar

Rolling into nostalgia

Made me heartbroken

Mother, pink lips were once upon a time.

To fun with the moon

The old beggar burned an incense on the grandchild-beggar’s grave

He silently thanked the humanity and charity

Dared to contradict with winter

Contradicted with even the highway

Dreamed of a fragrant straw

A grey smoke shape in the afternoon

Lightened in the golden moon no matter how high or low life was

Upstairs poets

Given the pure wine

Taking the falling moon

Waiting for the Epiphyllum to bloom

Pen dotting in the dew.

Drumbeats in the night

Drumbeats in the night

Splitting sleep

Rounding the egg,

A rice bowl of real world

To give a birth – to mark a death

Fragile human life

How many more?

White bones in the far fields*

Thunder booming drumbeats,

Spreading clouds

Heaven exists

Magnificent monument

Drumbeats farewell:

Going into the ancient tombs

Green grass graves

Resentful songs of gathered army.

*The poetic idea of Cao Tung (Tang)

(Translated from Vietnamese into English by Hanoi Female Translators)