The project “LET’S UNITE & DEBATE ABOUT EUROSCEPTICISM … AND MAKE IT A DRIVING FORCE FOR A MORE COHESIVE AND INCLUSIVE EUROPEAN UNION” was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme “Europe for Citizens”
Applicable to the Strand 2 – Measure 2.1 “Town-Twinning”
Participation: The event involved 79 citizens, including 59 international participants and 20 local participants The 20 local participants who attended the event were from the city of Gondomar (Portugal).

The 59 international participants as following:
3 participants from the city of PILEA HORTIATIS (Greece)
5 participants from the WESTERN REGIONAL COUNCIL (Malta)
3 participants from the city of TEO (Spain)
35 participants from the CONCELLO DE GONDOMAR (Spain)
5 participants from the city of TAR (Hungary)
2 participants from the city of KALONDE (Slovakia)
6 participants from the city of LIMINA (Italy)
Location / Dates: The event took place in Gondomar, from 18 to 24 July 2022 (Portugal).
The day of 18/07/2022 was dedicated to: Arrivals and Accommodation of the international participants.
Accommodation at “YOTEL Porto” (Portugal).
WELCOME CEREMONY, opening of proceedings, and institutional greetings by the representatives of the entities involved.
The day of 19/07/2022 was dedicated to: Reception at the Town Hall, welcome and presentation of the project to the media and the community. Visit to the Municipal Museum of Filigree from Gondomar. Cultural visit to the Port wine cellars and Porto, a Unesco World Heritage city.
The day of 20/07/2022 was dedicated to: Cultural visit to the city of Aveiro; Debate with interventions from all delegations, in Porto on: Power of Citizenship.
The day of 21/07/2022 was dedicated to: Debate with interventions from all delegations, in Medas (Gondomar) in the Agrupamento de Escolas à Beira Douro on: Participation and democracy in Europe; Presentation of PROJETO UBUNTU by Agrupamento de Escolas à Beira Douro.
The day of 22/07/2022 was dedicated to: Cultural visit to the city of Guimarães; Debate with interventions from all delegations, in Porto on: Poder da Cidadania; Carta Europeia
The day of 23/07/2022 was dedicated to: Signing of the twinning pact with the presence of the mayors; performance of the Hymn of Europe with the D’Ouro musicians – at the Rio Tinto Secondary School; Cultural Afternoon with the participation of the following groups: Gaiteiros da Galiza (Gondomar, Spain) and Rancho Folclórico de Santa Cruz de Jovim (Gondomar, Portugal); Intercultural dinner “The Table of Cultures: Food & Traditions”. Ceremony of greeting of the delegations. Interventions by local and international public authorities in the presence of citizens. Final Evaluation and group reflection. A farewell … untill we meet again!
The day of 23/07/2022 was dedicated to: Departure of the international delegations.