Poems by Rezauddin Stalin Bengali

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Grand Preparation
By Rezauddin Stalin

Grand preparation here for writing one thousand marvelous poems
And one thousand pyramids
The books those have not written yet
Already have the work order for printing
There are apertures in door of jail for the captives to go in out voluntarily
The library door will remain closed so that no one can escape without reading the all best books of the world
Bank will lost its necessity
From now every house will have money printing machine
Metallic nightingale be there on the main door of each house
And State will distribute the death-proof garments
The civilizations build by Homo sapiens for ten thousands year
Now they can sleep drowned in copulation dance
Robots and their offspring will work

The artificial intelligence will write poems and stories
Man will only watch and lough and kiss
They will not swim in the  river
And will not climb trees
They will not do fishing
And will not explore the mountains
And will not await at the street for transportation
The alien eagle will carry them to destination with their    beaks

There will be an elevator connecting the Earth with the spaces
The journey of male and female sprits of heaven begin to Earth
It will seem more than love
More than a dream
But there is no rise
There is no divine sin
This great human life will merge with another world

Translated by Tuwa Noor


Rezauddin Stalin Bengali
very famous poet.Born in 1962 in Nalbhanga village of Greater Jessore district.
The number of planets is more than a hundred. Got it
Many local and foreign awards including Bangla Academy. His poems have been translated into 42 languages of the world.
Along with poetry he established himself as a successful media personality. His basic thoughts on various issues of the society give us light.
Rezauddin Stalin is now the  international voice of Bengali  poetry.
