Poem by Muhammad Ishaq Abbasi

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

A Majestic Lion

While strolling in the green lush forest,
Where I saw a lion that was the loveliest.
He had pointed ears and sharp claws,
With long tail lufted end and four paws.
In the cat family, seemed a large mammal,
He was sound, scary and majestic animal.
Had thick mane around neck and head,
Daily slept up to many hours a day on his bed.

He always ran fast to catch his fresh prey,
Pleased to take naps, hunt, stare and play.
Ate deers, stags, zebras, cows and antelope,
Avoided hopelessness and clings to hope,
His roar could be heard as far as away,
Didn’t bargain on his dignity night and day.
No one dared to look in to his thick eyes,
Seeing him، spontauueously every one would cries
He was considered as powerful king of jungle,
Against all kinds of adversity, had to struggle.
